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Real-time ship operations

Simplify your day-to-day operating challenges for efficient voyages and maximum profitability.

When disruption is everywhere, how can you be confident you'll execute your voyage to plan? With the Lloyd’s Register OneOcean (LR OneOcean) Platform, you have real-time, up-to-date intelligence at all times, giving you the clarity to coordinate resources, manage schedules and align stakeholders to ensure profitable voyages.

Working with LR OneOcean gives you the advantage of our experience, global reach, and advanced digital capability. So you have confidence you're using data with integrity, minimising risks and maximising profit.

How do our real-time solutions address your maritime challenges?

Optimise maritime performance and profitability

You strive to improve maritime performance, but may lack the data and insights. The LR OneOcean Platform delivers industry-leading actionable intelligence, assisting in your decision-making processes and driving maritime performance and profitability.

Accurate performance reporting

Keep track of Charter Party (CP) performance and ensure voyages adhere to agreed standards with LR. Our Platform streamlines this cumbersome process, offering CP Performance Reporting tools that make it easy for you to gain insight into voyage performance.

Keep all stakeholders aligned

Managing communications and ensuring alignment among diverse stakeholders is key yet challenging. The Platform streamlines ship-to-shore and operator-to-stakeholder communications, so you can collaborate quickly and efficiently.

Mitigate navigational and onboard operational risks

For safe navigation, our Platform maps and automates alerts for high-risk zones. It also facilitates risk assessments to ensure crew can minimise operational hazards when managing potentially dangerous operations onboard vessels.

Discover our solutions for Ship Operators

  • Perform


    Optimise your vessel performance with in-depth data, accurate vessel modelling and expert advice from Master Mariners.
  • Manage


    Everything you need to run your fleet and its charters, including schedules and agent management, contract data and visualisations of fleet movements.
  • Manage

    Technical Management

    One platform for technical tasks including bunkering, procurement, maintenance management, external partner integration, and certificate administration.
  • Manage

    Document Management

    Remove the need for complex paper trails with a digital approach to document and information management, synchronised in real time.

See how LR OneOcean gives you clarity and control

Reduce risk and enhance the compliance, management and performance of day-to-day operations – on ship and onshore.

How do we address the challenges of other maritime professionals?

  • Ship Manager

    See how we help you maintain an efficient fleet, demonstrate compliance in operations and keep everything on track when plans change.
  • Charterer

    Find out how to balance profitability against risk in every fixture to maximise revenue, spot opportunities and deliver on commercial targets.

  • Performance Manager

    Discover how to optimise vessel performance by driving efficiencies and reducing fuel consumption and emissions while remaining compliant.
  • Crew Manager

    See how we help you ensure the right crew is in the right place at the right time — and that they are safe, well looked after and prepared.

Learn more from us

We can help you navigate a successful path into the future. Sign up and we'll be in touch.