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Consolidate the administration and operations needed to successfully charter vessels and keep them secure.
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Successful fleet management means having a clear view of your entire fleet’s activity at any given time. But with multiple vessels in different locations and several agents to manage, simultaneously keeping tabs on your fleet and your finances is difficult.

The Operations module of OneOcean Ship Management is a complete approach to running your fleet and its charters. It consolidates the necessary administration and operations needed to successfully charter vessels and keep them secure. From managing contract data and agents to overseeing schedules and visualising fleet movements, it provides a holistic view of your operations. Additionally, it integrates and visualises critical information like upcoming inspections and ports along the voyage, offering a comprehensive and detailed overview of your fleet.

With the Operations module, you can configure fleet parameters and monitor vessel status with ease.


A complete approach to charter

Everything needed for a successful and profitable charter can be found in Operations. It provides a clear view of vessels with and without charter, helps calculate revenue, create contracts and automates invoicing. This includes the creation of laytime calculations, and time and voyage charters. To help you stay in control of your operations, everything can be seen via the Platform dashboard with the most relevant information always highlighted.

Manage off-hire and claims

Through the Platform, you can keep accurate records of your vessels’ off-hire periods, charterer claims and related costs. By having all the information in one place, you have fast access to the insights needed to identify the causes and costs of individual off-hire periods and react swiftly. Automated KPIs and reports make vessel availability clear, demonstrate performance and help you recognise where you need to act.

Efficient planning of fleet scheduling

By integrating your fleet’s schedule and agent data into one shared resource, information is synchronised across both shore and ship. This allows both crew and shoreside teams to actively take part in schedule management, ensuring everyone has access to the most up-to-date information. This includes cancelled schedules, upcoming tasks like bunkering, and potential voyage problems, such as issues at port. The dashboard visualises key information to provide a quick overview of current events.

With all agent data held in one place and agent details allocated to each vessel, time spent searching for relevant contacts is considerably reduced. 

A global view of your fleet

Map your global fleet’s activity on one visual map via the Platform. As well as vessel location, you can view critical information such as operational schedules, travelling inspectors, time zones and areas of potential risks.

On the map, you can mark high-risk areas, such as warzones or emission control areas, and receive automated alerts as soon as one of your ships enters or leaves a designated area. Intelligent full-text search speeds up your search for fleet data and a personalised view helps track relevant fleet activity.


One central location

Consolidate all charter related information – past and present – into a single platform for ease of operations and better decision-making.

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How can we help?

From our very first conversation to ongoing support, customisation, and development, we’ll be a partner who puts your needs at the centre of everything we do.