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Crew Work Rest

A module to help you plan, manage and report on crew work and rest hours.

The credible route to crew work and rest hours compliance

For the welfare of onboard teams, accurately planning crew relief and managing their work and rest hours is essential. This safeguards both crew and vessels and ensures compliance with industry regulations. Reinforcing the credibility of your business and your customer’s

But managing work-rest hours for crew on multiple vessels in different geographical locations is a complex and time-consuming task. With this complexity comes the risk of missing reliefs that could put your crew, vessel and business in jeopardy.

OneOcean’s Crew Work Rest module makes it easier to manage this process. Available as either an in-workflow option via the LR OneOcean Platform or by utilising the capabilities of ISF WatchKeeper. Both offer automated technology and consolidated data delivered through an intuitive interface, helping you ensure optimal crew welfare and avoid costly delays at port state control. 

With the Crew Work Rest module, you can simplify the management and compliance for crew rest. 

In-workflow Crew Work Rest module

Built into the Cloud Fleet Manager software, the in-workflow module details all crew information through a clear and intuitive visual display. Allowing you to accurately plan rest periods and maximise productivity during work periods, while staying compliant with Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 regulation.

ISF WatchKeeper

This industry standard global work and rest hours software solution ensures compliance with STCW, ILO, MLC, US OPA 90 and OCIMF regulations. It keeps data entry secure and synchronised to the cloud, and offers unique industry benchmarking against industry average non-conformance for work and rest hours. ISF Watchkeeper is a collaborative partnership between Lloyd's Register and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

Automate process

Crew Work Rest automates suggestions on missing reliefs and auto checks reliefs to ensure crew get the rest they need and you stay compliant.

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How can we help?

From our very first conversation to ongoing support, customisation, and development, we’ll be a partner who puts your needs at the centre of everything we do.